Positive psychology builds stronger teams

Emotional intelligence is not a leadership skill, it is a life skill.

Every member of your team, remote or in-person, deserves to be empowered with the most positive, innovative, and neuroscience-based ways to connect to each other and achieve more together.

Which question is your team asking?

How can we be our best team and our best selves?

How can we have the most impact?

Where can our  potential and  aspirations lead?

Coming Soon: Webinar

'How To Work With Me' documents

  • How to design effective HTWWM documents for your team
  • How to use those personality assessments for more than one afternoon
  • How to make your onboarding and team retreats more powerful and connected

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Rhiannon has a unique ability to bring people from varying backgrounds together in a grounded and sincere manner, helping create safe and supportive environments for sharing different perspectives while not shying away from the sometimes tough, yet important questions that need to be asked in order to learn and move forward.

Jamie Ulmer

Connection Point Marketing

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